
.............teeing it up in the Spanish sunshine


Welcome to the Eurogolf website at Whether you are a member of many years, or you have just started your new life in the sunshine and have recently found your way to Eurogolf, this website is for you. The Committee of volunteers is here to try to make your Spanish golfing life as positive as it can be. If you have any suggestions for improving or adding to My-Eurogolf please let us know.......we genuinely look forward to hearing from you. In the meantime, happy golfing everyone......we look forward to seeing you on the course and in the Clubhouse.


We are based at La Marquesa Golf Club in Ciudad Quesada, approximately 30 minutes south of Alicante on the Southern Costa Blanca. At the moment we have over a 140 members, but our membership changes constantly and we always welcome enquiries from potential new members. Our season runs from 1st September to 30th June, and we play competitively every Tuesday and Thursday across the full range of game formats. And we have a lively social scene with dinner/dances, lunches and other social events.............through which we support a number of local charities including AECC, Royal British Legion and the Captain's chosen charity for the season.


Society membership, although limited in number, is available to all and at the discretion of the committee. If you wish to become a member, your first step is to complete a Society Membership Application. Select 'Contacting Us and Applying for Membership' on the website menu to find our electronic application form. From there we will guide you on the next steps. Our offer of membership depends on a bit of assessment by the committee, including the standard of your golf game. But once the requirements are met and you have paid your initial fee you will be able to access all of Eurogolf life. We hold a waiting list once our membership limit has been reached. We ask that our members join the Spanish Golf Federation, Real Federación Española de Golf, to protect both themselves and the society.

The first recorded Committee Meeting from June 1991

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The first recorded Annual General Meeting from May 1992

Captains and "Chairmen"

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Committees 1990 to 2000

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Committees 2000 to 2010

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Committees 2010 to 2020

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Committees 2020 to now

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Captain's Log image
                                                                 WATCH THIS SPACE FOR UPDATE

Please contact the appropriate person for your query or, if it's unclear, contact the Secretary

Barry Wilson


chairs committee discussions -a primary point of contact with the course management, director and staff -carries a casting vote where the committee is split on a decision -arranges the game for the President's Trophy.

Eveline Hackney


- selects the Vice Captain - active in recruitment and an ambassador for the society - a primary point of contact with the course management, director and staff - attends and contributes to committee meetings - is involved with disciplinary matters when they arise in respect of society members - is responsible for welcoming new members - organises the annual Captain's Day. Contact:

Duncan Roberts

Vice Captain

-active in recruitment and an ambassador for the society -attends and contributes to committee meetings -supports the Captain -steps in should the Captain be absent. Contact: Duncan.rob942c

Duane James


attends and contributes to committee meetings - provides advice to the Committee in their management of society finances - administers all financial affairs and leads the annual budget process ensuring an appropriate annual budget is provided to the Committee for approval - maintains accurate records of all income and expenditure - makes regular payments as requested by the committee - provides updated report of all members' account balances on the society website, twice weekly, after each competition - produces an updated set of financial accounts on a regular basis - manages the annual audit, ensuring that the auditor has a complete and accurate set of supporting documents to provide total transparency of the annual accounts. Contact:

Bill Steven

Handicap Secretary

-attends and contributes to committee meetings -agrees a member's initial handicap on joining, based on either an official handicap or golfing standard of play -administers the agreed handicap system by reviewing and adjusting the members' handicaps following each event -posts updated handicap lists to the society website -considers whether a player’s handicap reflects playing ability and makes adjustments where necessary -maintains the member list and waiting list. Contact: eurogolfhandicaps

Pete Cleaver

Toffs Organiser

-attends and contributes to committee meetings -organises and manages the Tuesday games -conducts the weekly prize draw and publishes the results. Contact:

Graham Rees

Match Secretary

-attends and contributes to committee meetings -organises and manages the Thursday games, whether individual strokeplay/stableford or team formats -organises and manages the annual knockout competitions. Contact:

Debbie Weedon

Social Secretary

-attends and contributes to committee meetings -manages the society's social calendar -sources venues and entertainment taking account of available funds -agrees menus and costs with venue providers -advertises events and encourages participation -controls seating plans, payments arrangements and menu choices. Contact:

Sharon Horne


Attends committee meetings. Manages the arrangements, agenda and minutes of committee meetings. Sends Minutes of Meetings to committee for approval. Circulates final Committee Minutes to Members. Contact:

  •  24/04/2025 02:00 PM

Following our St George's Day comp our Social Sec has arranged lunch for members & guests at Sabores Restaurant. Cost - Members 14e & Guests 19e inc drink

  •  17/06/2025 12:26 PM

Following our Capt Day comp on Tuesday 17th June a lunch will be arranged for members & guests, details to follow

  •  28/06/2025 07:30 PM

Following completion of our golfing season 2024/25 a Presentation evening will be arranged for Sat 27th June by our Social Sec , details to follow

  •  20/03/2025 02:00 PM
  •   Maritao Kitchen

Following our annual Capt v Vice Capt comp including individual stableford our Social Sec has arranged for a lunch to take place at Maritaos Kitchen at La Marquesa Members 10e & Guests 15e inc drink

Golfdirecto Guidance  image
This section is an aid for how to set up Golfdirecto on you phone to enable you to use for competition golf for Eurogolf or Spanish federated games
  1. First step is to download the Golfdirecto App onto your smart phone or laptop from either Apple Store or Goggle play stores. 
  2. After downloading you need to register  in the app
This is achieved by the following
  1. Type your Spanish Federation License in the box. 
  2. Select RFEG (Spain) in the Federation box.
  3. Then press the Search tab followed by the Next button.
This should then identify you as a  Federated member and take you to the next  section which requires you to complete the following boxes to create  your account 
  1. Email address
  2. Create password
  3. Repeat password
  4. Name
  5. Surname
  6. Gender 
  7. Country ( Spain)
Need to Tick the box next to the wording I accept the legal notice & privacy policy
then finally the CREATE ACCOUNT box

Now your account is created you can then log in to the Golfdirecto app and start to use.

When a competition is set up in Golfdiecto ( La Marquesa sets our competitions up) that you have entered you are required to enter your score into the system. This can be done individually or as the group you are paired to play with.

  1. From the faceplate select the scheduled comp you are playing in
  2. Select my scorecard 
  3. Select Start
  4. Confirm which players are present that are recording scores for the competition.
You are then ready to record your scores for each hole until the round is completed, this can be done as you play or after completing the round. Each time you enter a score against a name make sure its correct before pressing SAVE.

Once the SAVE button is pressed the screen moves onto the next hole, this continues until scores are recorded for all 18 holes.

Note - You can go back to a previous hole to correct the score if required by pressing the back arrow.

After completing all 18 holes the next screen asks you to select one of the following

  1. Confirm Results (once pressed you cant change any score only the Caddie Master has the access)
  2. View you scorecard
  3. Edit results

Once Confirm is pressed that's the end of the game, once all players have entered their scores the competition will be closed in the system by the Caddie Master and the status of the competition will change from Scheduled to Finished.

You can then click on that screen to review the final standing for the competition 



Sept5Texas Scramble Team CompFeb6Texas Scramble select own team 

4 players 10% combined H/Cap

3/4 person team

12Jubilee Trophy 
13Valentines  Monthly  S/ford

inc Sept Monthly Stableford 

Indivdual stableford full H/Cap

Individual stableford full H/Cap

19Sept Monthly Medal
204BBB Pairs S/ford

Indivdual strokeplay full H/Cap

Pairs selected at random by Handicap Master 

26Individual Stableford Comp 
27Feb Monthly Medal

Inc Hidden Pairs Full H/Cap

Individual strokeplay full H/Cap
Oct3Non Winners CupMar6Stableofrd  S/gun Start

Inc Oct Monthly Stableford

( changed due to weather)

Individual stableford full H/Cap

Indivdual stableford full H/Cap

10Helping Hands Support Day  Comp 
13Melody Stableford team Comp

Yellow Peril Team Stableford 

Full H/Cap

Shotgun Start Inc Lunch
20Capt v Vice Capt  

17Milenium Masters 

Inc  Individual Stableford

Inc Oct Monthly Medal

Individual strokeplay full H/Cap
27Easter Cup 

24Eurogolf Stableford Comp

Inc Mar Monthly Stableford  Comp

Individual Stableford full H/cap

Individual stableford full H/Cap

31Greensomes Stableford CompApr3Birthday Cup inc March Medal

Select own Pairing 

Individual Strokeplay

H/Cap 0.5 Lower 0.3 Higher 

( Rearranged from 6th March)
Nov7Poppy Day Texas Scramble
10April Monthly Stableford 

4 players 10% combined H/Cap

Individual stableford full H/Cap

Shotgun Start Inc Lunch
17Founders Trophy 

14Nov Monthly Stableford 

Inc April Monthly Medal 

Individual strokeplay full H/Cap

Individual strokeplay full H/Cap

21Chuck Martenez Memorial
24 St Georges Day Team Comp + Lunch

Indivdual Med/Ford Comp

Shotgun start 

Medal holes 1-9 S/Ford 10-18May1Ken Wilson Memorial
Individual Med/Ford Comp
Medal holes 1-9 S/Ford 10-18

28Nov Monthly Medal 

Indivdual strokeplay full H/Cap
8May Monthly Stableford 
Dec5Dec Monthly Stableford 

Individual stableford full H/Cap

Individual stableford full H/Cap
15Presidents Day

12Dec Monthly Medal 

Format selected by President

Individual strokeplay full H/Cap
201st Rd Club Championship ( Tuesday)

19St Nicks Texas Scramble 

Individual strokeplay full H/Cap

4 players 10% combined H/Cap

222nd Rd Club Championship

Shotgun Start Inc Lunch

Inc May Monthly Medal

26Boxing Day - No CompJun5Hollow Tining 
Jan21st of the Yr Stableford 

Comp TBC

Individual stableford full H/Cap
12June Monthly Stableford 

9Melody Team S/Ford Comp

Indivdual stableford full H/Cap

2 Scores to count each hole
17Capt Day  ( Tuesday)

Minimum 8 scores per Player 

Shotgun Start inc Lunch

16 Stableford  Comp

Format selected by Capt 

Indivdual stableford full H/Cap

19Jun Monthly Medal 

23Jan Monthly  Stableford Comp

Individual strokeplay full H/Cap

  Indivdual stableford full H/Cap
26End of Season Pairs Texas Scramble 

30Jan Monthly Medal

H/Cap 20% of Low 10% of High

Individual strokeplay full H/Cap

Select your own pairing 

28End of season Presentation Nt  - Venue TBC

Medal Eclectic Dates

Stableford Eclectic Dates

Thursday 19th Sept

Thursday  12th Sept

Thursday 17th Oct

Thursday 10th Oct 

Thursday  28th Nov

Thursday 14th Nov

Thursday  12th Dec

Thursday 5th Dec

Thursday 30th Jan

Thursday 23rd Jan

Thursday 27th Feb

Thursday 20th Feb

Thursday 6th Mar

Thursday 27th Mar

Thursday 17th Apr

Thursday 10th Apr

Thursday 22nd May

Thursday 8th May

Thursday 16th Jun

Thursday 12th Jun
Eurogolf Society
Competition Start Sheet - Toffs Stableford
Tuesday 25 March 2025 at La Marquesa EuroToffs (BLOCKS).
Printed: 24 March 2025
GameStart TimeTee

108:021Jerry ConybeareJohn BarracloughDuane JamesPaul Cooper
208:101Andrew FlynnTerry BrookerAlan HodgePerry Blenkiron
308:181Alan CarterRobert RobinsonSean DaveyPhilip Lloyd
408:261William StevenYvonne StevenAlan VenablesGlyn Jones
508:341Angelika BerndtHedy PaehligMorag TurnerPhyllis Venables
608:421Ellen JohansenEveline HackneyMonique ReeveJean Goodwin
708:501Dave NichollsDenis GilmoreJohn KirkwoodMalcolm Foskett
808:581Peter ListBarrie HopkinsonPhilip HarrisBill Peters
909:061Robin RichardsPaul BurletsonSteve YoxallPavol Fedor
1009:141Stephen TaggartWalter MillarStephen Prater5 Guest
1208:0210Veva VanbeckevoortBev EvansEric Georges............................
1308:1010Joseph ValentePierre M BouarroudjWilliam Gallagher............................
1408:1810Mandy MckelvieHelen BeddowsStephen Hawley............................
1508:2610Arty CrammonKev BonserGeorge McCallumGary C Powell
1608:3410Ian CurtisStephen BrooksNicholas J MonksWilliam McCool
1708:4210Gin DredgeStuart AllenKaren SimpsonPete Cleaver
1808:5010Mark Russell - SmithBradley DredgeJack SimpsonMichael Mills
1908:5810Ian PeggChris StanleyDuncan RobertsSteve Lally
2009:0610Steve Gilbert2 Guest3 Guest4 Guest
2109:1410Keith DavisonHarry ArmstrongJohn HillDamien P Williams

Format: Singles, Stableford competition. Strokes Received: Full Tee Handicap. 

Play from Yellow Tees


11William McCool37

2Helen Beddows36

3Stuart Allen34
21Duane James38

2Andy Flynn37

3Walter Millar35
31Gin Dredge37

2Robin Richards36

3Nick Monks35

2Kev Bonser35 cb

3Angelika Berndt35

 Best 9s

Front 9Duncan Roberts20
Back 9Pierre Bouarruudj19

 Nearest The Pins

6Paul Cooper16Gin Dredge
8Sean Davey17Paul Burleston
12Paul Burleston

 Draw Results 

20Terry Brooker97Dave Nicholls
50Bill Gallagher120Ed Sylvester
72Brian Jones129Bob Thomson
73Glyn Jones134Joe Valente
79Martin Luck141Rob Watt


Eurogolf Society
Competition Start Sheet - Eurogolf Easter Cup inc Monthly Stableford
Thursday 27 March 2025 at La Marquesa EuroToffs (BLOCKS).
Printed: 25 March 2025
GameStart TimeTee

108:021Debbie Weedon(HUNT)Paul BurletsonRobert RobinsonGeorge McCallum
208:101Paul CooperDuane JamesGary C PowellAndrea Darlington
308:181Jerry ConybeareArty CrammonMichael MillsJohn Nelson
408:261Stuart AllenEric GeorgesMonique ReeveFred Reeve
508:341Damien P WilliamsWilliam StevenKeith DavisonAlan Hasson
608:421Bradley DredgeMark Russell - SmithPeter ListPerry Blenkiron
908:0210Bev EvansSteve DarlingtonSean Davey............................
1008:1010John BarracloughAlan CarterSteve Yoxall............................
1108:1810Pierre M BouarroudjDenis GilmoreJohn Kirkwood............................
1208:2610Gin DredgeGraham ReesKaren SimpsonDave Nicholls
1308:3410Malcolm FoskettAlan VenablesIan PeggVeva Vanbeckevoort
1408:4210Phyllis VenablesGloria ManningEllen JohansenYvonne Steven

Easter Cup 

Open to members only 

Format: Singles, Stableford competition. Strokes Received: Full Tee Handicap. 

Play from Yellow Tees (Men) and Red Tees (Ladies).






















































































































Eurogolf  Capt v Vice inc Stableford Results Sheet 20th March 2025

Capt Team 3.5pts  & Vice Team 9.5pts  

Overall Winner: Pierre M Bouarroudj 39 Pts 

11Graham Rees36

2Phil Lloyd33

3George McCallum32 cpo
21Gary C Powell36

2Duane James34

3Dave Nicholls32 cpo
31Morag Turner34

2Veva Vanbeckevoort31 cpo

3Eric Goerges31

 Best 9s

Front 9Will McCool18
Back 9Steve Gilbert20

 Nearest The Pins

6Alan Carter16Colin D Gretton
8Will McCool17Colin D Gretton
12Graham Rees


This season draw has been made & can be found in Master Scoreboard in the section Knock Out Draws

This season draw has been made & can be found in Master Scoreboard in the section Knock Out Draws

This season draw has been made & can be found in Master Scoreboard in the section Knock Out Draws

Club Champion

Handicap Champion

Club Singles Matchplay

Club Pairs Matchplay

Seniors Matchplay

Gents Singles Matchplay

Ladies Singles Matchplay

Ladies Pairs Matchplay

Presented by Jenny Cheetham

Mixed Pairs Greensome Matchplay

Presented by Derek Lawton

Founders Cup

Presented by Sylvia & Dave Nicholls

Easter Cup

Presented by A & S Butterworth

Birthday Cup

Presented by G & L Card

Non Winners Cup

Presented by J Taylor

President's Trophy

Millenium Masters Trophy

Presented by M & A Lambert

Jubilee Cup

......first played in 2015/16

Ken Wilson Memorial Trophy

Chuck Martinez Memorial Trophy

Presented by J Martinez

Invicta Trophy

Most Improved Handicap - Ladies (Presented by J & M Woolley)

Pegasus Trophy

Most Improved Handicap - Men (Presented by B & M Woolley)

Nick Faldo

Lowest Aggregate Last 4 Medals - Men (Presented by K & F Ledden)

Laura Davies

Lowest Aggregate Last 4 Medals - Ladies (Presented by K & F Ledden)

Following a revision of Eurotoffs local rules during the close season detailed below is the updated version to be followed from  the start of the 2024-25 season. If you have any queries please direct them to either Jerry Conybeare or Phil Lloyd via email.  

 Pylon or Power Cables - If a ball hits either then the ball  must be replayed from original spot without penalty .

Beranchas - Any ball coming to rest in a berancha you  have the following options,  Option 1 play as it lies no penalty ,Option 2 drop within 2 club lengths no nearer the hole at the point of entry to the hazard not where the ball has finished .

Red Staked hazards - You have the following options , 1. Play as it lies without penalty , 2. Drop within 2 club lengths no nearer the hole from where the ball entered the hazard with a 1 shot penalty , 3. Go back as far as you wish keeping  the ball  line  with where the ball crossed the hazard and hole with a 1 shot penalty or 4. Go back to where you played the original shot and play again with a 1 shot penalty.          

There is no free relief from club or stance interference with berancha. walls.

Pathways - All cart paths free relief inc sanded paths, the ball must be dropped the nearest point of relief  ( even its in a bush or behind a  a tree).

G.U.R. - Normally marked with blue pegs or lines . If a drop zone is provided you must use the nearest one , ball to be dropped from knee height without crouching . Clearly defined machinery damage can be considered as GUR and relief is  allowed to the nearest point no nearer the hole within  one club length without penalty . 

Staked trees  inc  rope supports  & raised  tree wells - Free relief for interference of stance or swing path within 1 club length no nearer the hole.

Preferred lies - fairways only ( cut grass) within 20cm no nearer the hole.

Ball lost or O.O.B. ( Out of Bounds) - 1 shot penalty replayed from original position of the shot.

Plugged ball - Anywhere except in a sand  bunker free relief on fairway  place nearest point  or drop from knee height if  in the rough.  

Bare patches on fairways - Mark, lift , clean & place on the nearest fairway grass no nearer the hole.

Bare patches in rough  - No relief play as it lies.

Holes 3 &  4 Tarmac path & area to the  right hand side of  4th hole barancha marked as GUR ( Blue posts) -  free drop 1 in the nearest drop zone no nearer the hole.

Hole 5 Concrete green wall right hand side  - free drop no nearer the hole 1 club length when stance or swing plane effected.

Hole 6 Shelter including inside the pylon - free drop 1 club length no nearer the hole stance  & swing.

Hole 7 GUR near 8th tee - mandatory free drop on top of the 8th tee no nearer the hole.

Hole 9 - Free relief given fairway side of the path after the first bunker past the  the Black  250m post to the green .

Hole 13 O.O.B. - Behind the green beyond the wooden fence .

Hole 14 Water hazard to the right hand side - Clearly marked both sides with red stakes , if the ball is seen to completely clear the ditch it is to be deemed O.O.B. & therefore replayed from original spot under the penalty of 1 shot.

Hole 16 Drop mat zone  - The ball to be dropped from knee height & played where it comes to rest  ( cant re position ball with club or hand).

Hole 16 Edge of the  green - No free relief from the edge or bridge , ball to be played as it lies or under 1 shot penalty within 2 club lengths no nearer the hole.

Hole 17 inc  Berancha - Providing the water level is low if you hit your shot towards it & within 3 minutes you are unable to locate the ball within the berancha or surrounding area then the ball is to be deemed lost  & must be replayed from the original position under 1 shot penalty .     

Ellen tends the pin for John........and keeps him right on what is and isn't allowed.
John marks his dirty ball in the rough to allow Ellen to play her shot.
Ellen shanks it into the barranca on 18 and needs to decide where to drop her ball. John and Ian are on hand to help her out.
Just in case we get rain sometime soon.........John shows us how to take relief from water in the bunker. The circle represents the wet area so a little imagination is needed. IF THERE HAS BEEN A DOWNPOUR, AND THE BUNKER IS FULL OF WATER, THEN TREAT IT AS G.U.R.
Ellen shows us the options when marking a ball on the green.
Ellen shows us how to correctly take a preferred lie.
Arty explains the options when faced with a greenside sprinkler head.
Graham shows us how to correctly define the nearest point of relief from a path.
Treasurer's Information...... image
As Treasurer of the Eurogolf society, I am responsible for ......
  1. Managing the members' personal accounts 
  2. Managing the annual financial accounts 
Members' Personal Accounts
All members are encouraged to regularly review their outstanding balances which are updated after every match.  These can be viewed by downloading the Monthly Members' Account Balances.  Please ensure that your current balance is always €10 or higher. Given that we operate a no debt policy, members whose balances fall below €7 will not be able to register for matches until after they have topped up their accounts.
All social events will be funded (members and guests) from the members' personal accounts. Please ensure that there are sufficient funds available 3 days before the event, otherwise unfortunately the booking will be cancelled.
We operate on a cashless basis.  Payments can be made via bank transfer.  Feel free to download How to Transfer Money.

Annual Financial Accounts
A full set of accounts are maintained on a continual basis.  The latest position can be viewed by downloading Income, Expenditure and Balance Sheet.  It is the policy of the society to maintain a healthy set of accounts by ensuring that a positive Net Disposable Income is held at all times.
The last published annual accounts can also be viewed by downloading 2022-23 Year End Accounts.  The accounting year is from July to June.

Any issuues I can be contacted via the following email

Monthly Members' Account Balances

Members' account balances updated 25/03/2025

How to Transfer Money

Instructions for making payments via bank transfer

Income, Expenditure and Balance Sheet

Set of latest financial accounts updated 30 June 2024

2023-24 Year End Accounts

This is a full set of the year's accounts as presented at the AGM in July 2024 Update 23.9.24

Code of Conduct

Eurogolf's Code of Conduct aims to create and maintain a positive environment for members and their guests.

Our Constitution

Eurogolf's Constitution which was ratified in this version at the EGM of 16/9/22.

Eurogolf Local Rules

A synopsis of the particular rules which apply to your game when playing with Eurogolf

Privacy Policy

This document confirms the rights and responsibilities in respect of member data privacy.

Committee Minutes of meeting January 15th 2025

Latest Committee meeting minutes

Latest Committee Minutes

Committee Minutes February 12th 2025

RBL presentation February 12th 2025

RBL donation presentation Feb 12th 2025

RBL thank you letter February 12th 2025

RBL thank you letter

Committee meeting minutes January 2025

2024 AGM Minutes

Committee Minutes March 2025

Latest Minutes

Committee Minutes February 2025

Committee Minutes January 2025

Committee Minutes November 2024

Committee Minutes October 2024

Committee Minutes Sept 2024

Advertising your items

Remember, if you want to sell any golf-related item.......or maybe you're looking for advice or a recommendation.........all you need to do is send the details and pictures, if you have them, to and we will take it from there.

Golf Clubs

GOLF CLUBS FOR SALE.. Ladies Graphite shafts. Callaway, 3,5,7,9 metals not matching. Callaway irons x14 little gems matching set 3-p.s. and sw. Boston hybrid metal. All grips ok. Including ball scoop and some balls. Titleist bag all zips working. €75 no offers. Contact Ian Pegg on 672855581.

Ladies Golf Shoes.

Ladies Addidas golf shoes. Size 38 (5) worn once.  Price 40 euros   tel. Morag on 966719750.

Skate Caddy For Sale

This Skate Caddy is for sale with many extras. One charge easily lasts 18 holes and it folds away easily into most car boots spaces for easy transportation anywhere. I There are also video demonstrations of the Skate Caddy on You tube. The asking price is Eu 750. If you are interested, please call 655011963


WANTED. Motorcaddy or similar electric Golf Trolley. if you have one for sale, contact The Captain

Golf Club Regripping

Generally €10 a club fitted, including the grip, standard, midsize and jumbo. Contact Perry Blenkiron. 622667872

We look forward to hearing from you

Membership of the society may be offered to applicants who the Committee judge to be competent and to have sufficient knowledge of the rules of the game and of golf etiquette. Applicants should, where possible, provide a Handicap Certificate. Applicants may be required to play up to 3 games with an experienced society member as a 'guest' as part of the application process. Our Handicap Secretary will set your starting handicap. The society reserves the right to refuse membership. PLEASE NOTE THAT SUBMISSION OF THIS APPLICATION, AND SUBSEQUENT ACCEPTANCE AS A MEMBER, CONFIRMS YOUR CONSENT TO THE DATA SHARING ELEMENTS INCLUDED IN THE EUROGOLF PRIVACY POLICY WHICH CAN BE DOWNLOADED FROM THE GENERAL FILES PAGES OF THIS WEBSITE.

Membership of the society may be offered to applicants who the committee judge to be competent and to have sufficient knowledge of the rules of golf and course etiquette. Applicants, where possible, should provide a Handicap Certificate. The Handicap Secretary will set your initial handicap. All applicants may be required to play up to 3 games with a committee member as a 'guest' before their application is considered. The society reserves the right to refuse membership to any person.

Please note: The submission of this application confirms your agreement to the Data Privacy Policy as shown on the Eurogolf Website.