The first recorded Committee Meeting from June 1991

Present; Ken Wilson, Tug Wilson, Tony Wood, Bill Thompson, Joe Theakston, Anne Ritches, Norah Bone.



Anne stated that cost per head would be 425 pesetas. It was agreed that members would pay 200 pesetas and additional cost would be absorbed by cash in the club funds.

Committee members each provide one bottle of ‘Champagne’ for prizes. Agreed

Ken to buy wine and collect money from Committee.

Proposed and agreed that members with buggies would be seeded and start play at outlying holes.

Breakfast served at 10.30am.

1/2 full handicap allowed.

DINNER DANCE - 4TH July 1991

Joe has arranged special menu and it was proposed and carried that members and guests would each pay 1200 pesetas.


Agreed, that a bank account be opened in The Club’s name. Ken, Anne and Norah would be signatories.

Proposed and agreed that any member of committee incurring expenses should obtain receipts for reimbursement.

Anne will have information at the next meeting of how much cash there is for prizes.


Bill proposed a vote of thanks to Jim Riches for all the work done by him last year. Carried. Bill informed committee he intends adjusting ladies’ handicaps according to Spanish Golf Federation Rules. (.9 per shot).

It was agreed, Tug to help Bill with handicap adjustments.

Proposed as seconded, Eclectic Scores for full year be abandoned as there are too many members in club now.


Agreed, no more ‘Wooden Spoon’ prize.

Proposed and carried, a Wally Prize (Macduff) for behaviour off or on the course.

Committee agreed to ‘Spot the Wally’.

Rojales Trophy will still be presented on Medal Day.

Tug proposed a ‘2nd 9 holes’ prize. To be discussed.

Proposed and carried, last years Match Play to go to John Bone.

John Taylor (Stableford) Trophy to be for ‘non-winners’ in previous year.

No agreement was reached on whether it should be played on day of first Stableford in September. Tony to find out from John Taylor what his wishes are and report at next committee meeting.

Agreed, to have 9 hole fun competitions during July and August. First one to be held 11th July at 5pm.

Bill proposed fun competitions be played at a time other than 5pm.

To be discussed at next meeting.


Proposed and carried, if extraordinary meeting is to be called an effort will be made to contact the full committee. If unsuccessful it was agreed that a Quorum of four can meet.

Next Committee Meeting - Thursday 11th July - 3.30pm.