Golfdirecto Guidance  image
This section is an aid for how to set up Golfdirecto on you phone to enable you to use for competition golf for Eurogolf or Spanish federated games
  1. First step is to download the Golfdirecto App onto your smart phone or laptop from either Apple Store or Goggle play stores. 
  2. After downloading you need to register  in the app
This is achieved by the following
  1. Type your Spanish Federation License in the box. 
  2. Select RFEG (Spain) in the Federation box.
  3. Then press the Search tab followed by the Next button.
This should then identify you as a  Federated member and take you to the next  section which requires you to complete the following boxes to create  your account 
  1. Email address
  2. Create password
  3. Repeat password
  4. Name
  5. Surname
  6. Gender 
  7. Country ( Spain)
Need to Tick the box next to the wording I accept the legal notice & privacy policy
then finally the CREATE ACCOUNT box

Now your account is created you can then log in to the Golfdirecto app and start to use.

When a competition is set up in Golfdiecto ( La Marquesa sets our competitions up) that you have entered you are required to enter your score into the system. This can be done individually or as the group you are paired to play with.

  1. From the faceplate select the scheduled comp you are playing in
  2. Select my scorecard 
  3. Select Start
  4. Confirm which players are present that are recording scores for the competition.
You are then ready to record your scores for each hole until the round is completed, this can be done as you play or after completing the round. Each time you enter a score against a name make sure its correct before pressing SAVE.

Once the SAVE button is pressed the screen moves onto the next hole, this continues until scores are recorded for all 18 holes.

Note - You can go back to a previous hole to correct the score if required by pressing the back arrow.

After completing all 18 holes the next screen asks you to select one of the following

  1. Confirm Results (once pressed you cant change any score only the Caddie Master has the access)
  2. View you scorecard
  3. Edit results

Once Confirm is pressed that's the end of the game, once all players have entered their scores the competition will be closed in the system by the Caddie Master and the status of the competition will change from Scheduled to Finished.

You can then click on that screen to review the final standing for the competition