Treasurer's Information...... image
As Treasurer of the Eurogolf society, I am responsible for ......
  1. Managing the members' personal accounts 
  2. Managing the annual financial accounts 
Members' Personal Accounts
All members are encouraged to regularly review their outstanding balances which are updated after every match.  These can be viewed by downloading the Monthly Members' Account Balances.  Please ensure that your current balance is always €10 or higher. Given that we operate a no debt policy, members whose balances fall below €7 will not be able to register for matches until after they have topped up their accounts.
All social events will be funded (members and guests) from the members' personal accounts. Please ensure that there are sufficient funds available 3 days before the event, otherwise unfortunately the booking will be cancelled.
We operate on a cashless basis.  Payments can be made via bank transfer.  Feel free to download How to Transfer Money.

Annual Financial Accounts
A full set of accounts are maintained on a continual basis.  The latest position can be viewed by downloading Income, Expenditure and Balance Sheet.  It is the policy of the society to maintain a healthy set of accounts by ensuring that a positive Net Disposable Income is held at all times.
The last published annual accounts can also be viewed by downloading 2022-23 Year End Accounts.  The accounting year is from July to June.

Any issuues I can be contacted via the following email