Please contact the appropriate person for your query or, if it's unclear, contact the Secretary

Barry Wilson


chairs committee discussions -a primary point of contact with the course management, director and staff -carries a casting vote where the committee is split on a decision -arranges the game for the President's Trophy.

Eveline Hackney


- selects the Vice Captain - active in recruitment and an ambassador for the society - a primary point of contact with the course management, director and staff - attends and contributes to committee meetings - is involved with disciplinary matters when they arise in respect of society members - is responsible for welcoming new members - organises the annual Captain's Day. Contact:

Duncan Roberts

Vice Captain

-active in recruitment and an ambassador for the society -attends and contributes to committee meetings -supports the Captain -steps in should the Captain be absent. Contact: Duncan.rob942c

Duane James


attends and contributes to committee meetings - provides advice to the Committee in their management of society finances - administers all financial affairs and leads the annual budget process ensuring an appropriate annual budget is provided to the Committee for approval - maintains accurate records of all income and expenditure - makes regular payments as requested by the committee - provides updated report of all members' account balances on the society website, twice weekly, after each competition - produces an updated set of financial accounts on a regular basis - manages the annual audit, ensuring that the auditor has a complete and accurate set of supporting documents to provide total transparency of the annual accounts. Contact:

Bill Steven

Handicap Secretary

-attends and contributes to committee meetings -agrees a member's initial handicap on joining, based on either an official handicap or golfing standard of play -administers the agreed handicap system by reviewing and adjusting the members' handicaps following each event -posts updated handicap lists to the society website -considers whether a player’s handicap reflects playing ability and makes adjustments where necessary -maintains the member list and waiting list. Contact: eurogolfhandicaps

Pete Cleaver

Toffs Organiser

-attends and contributes to committee meetings -organises and manages the Tuesday games -conducts the weekly prize draw and publishes the results. Contact:

Graham Rees

Match Secretary

-attends and contributes to committee meetings -organises and manages the Thursday games, whether individual strokeplay/stableford or team formats -organises and manages the annual knockout competitions. Contact:

Debbie Weedon

Social Secretary

-attends and contributes to committee meetings -manages the society's social calendar -sources venues and entertainment taking account of available funds -agrees menus and costs with venue providers -advertises events and encourages participation -controls seating plans, payments arrangements and menu choices. Contact:

Sharon Horne


Attends committee meetings. Manages the arrangements, agenda and minutes of committee meetings. Sends Minutes of Meetings to committee for approval. Circulates final Committee Minutes to Members. Contact: