Following a revision of Eurotoffs local rules during the close season detailed below is the updated version to be followed from  the start of the 2024-25 season. If you have any queries please direct them to either Jerry Conybeare or Phil Lloyd via email.  

 Pylon or Power Cables - If a ball hits either then the ball  must be replayed from original spot without penalty .

Beranchas - Any ball coming to rest in a berancha you  have the following options,  Option 1 play as it lies no penalty ,Option 2 drop within 2 club lengths no nearer the hole at the point of entry to the hazard not where the ball has finished .

Red Staked hazards - You have the following options , 1. Play as it lies without penalty , 2. Drop within 2 club lengths no nearer the hole from where the ball entered the hazard with a 1 shot penalty , 3. Go back as far as you wish keeping  the ball  line  with where the ball crossed the hazard and hole with a 1 shot penalty or 4. Go back to where you played the original shot and play again with a 1 shot penalty.          

There is no free relief from club or stance interference with berancha. walls.

Pathways - All cart paths free relief inc sanded paths, the ball must be dropped the nearest point of relief  ( even its in a bush or behind a  a tree).

G.U.R. - Normally marked with blue pegs or lines . If a drop zone is provided you must use the nearest one , ball to be dropped from knee height without crouching . Clearly defined machinery damage can be considered as GUR and relief is  allowed to the nearest point no nearer the hole within  one club length without penalty . 

Staked trees  inc  rope supports  & raised  tree wells - Free relief for interference of stance or swing path within 1 club length no nearer the hole.

Preferred lies - fairways only ( cut grass) within 20cm no nearer the hole.

Ball lost or O.O.B. ( Out of Bounds) - 1 shot penalty replayed from original position of the shot.

Plugged ball - Anywhere except in a sand  bunker free relief on fairway  place nearest point  or drop from knee height if  in the rough.  

Bare patches on fairways - Mark, lift , clean & place on the nearest fairway grass no nearer the hole.

Bare patches in rough  - No relief play as it lies.

Holes 3 &  4 Tarmac path & area to the  right hand side of  4th hole barancha marked as GUR ( Blue posts) -  free drop 1 in the nearest drop zone no nearer the hole.

Hole 5 Concrete green wall right hand side  - free drop no nearer the hole 1 club length when stance or swing plane effected.

Hole 6 Shelter including inside the pylon - free drop 1 club length no nearer the hole stance  & swing.

Hole 7 GUR near 8th tee - mandatory free drop on top of the 8th tee no nearer the hole.

Hole 9 - Free relief given fairway side of the path after the first bunker past the  the Black  250m post to the green .

Hole 13 O.O.B. - Behind the green beyond the wooden fence .

Hole 14 Water hazard to the right hand side - Clearly marked both sides with red stakes , if the ball is seen to completely clear the ditch it is to be deemed O.O.B. & therefore replayed from original spot under the penalty of 1 shot.

Hole 16 Drop mat zone  - The ball to be dropped from knee height & played where it comes to rest  ( cant re position ball with club or hand).

Hole 16 Edge of the  green - No free relief from the edge or bridge , ball to be played as it lies or under 1 shot penalty within 2 club lengths no nearer the hole.

Hole 17 inc  Berancha - Providing the water level is low if you hit your shot towards it & within 3 minutes you are unable to locate the ball within the berancha or surrounding area then the ball is to be deemed lost  & must be replayed from the original position under 1 shot penalty .